Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Halloween

Well, its not hard to believe I haven't had time to update this in nearly a month since we have had in a TON of new releases and preparing for our 24 hour horror marathon with - which is tomorrow. But really, all you need to do is take a look at the new release page and see the insane amount of great movies that have come out in the last month.
Starting with Mystics in Bali early in the month and winding up the Twin Peaks Gold boxset that is now in stock - which lots in between (HELLLOOO!! PAUL LYNDE HALLOWEEN)

But the other exciting bit of news is that we will soon be taking Paypal directly through the site - so no more fumbling and emailing, you just need to checkout like normal and click on the paypal button - COMING SOON!!!

Thanks everyone and have a great halloween

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